Counseling for Friends and Family of Individuals with Substance Abuse/Addiction

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Often, while individuals who are either actively engaging in substance use/abuse or who are in the early stages of recovery receive a lot of the attention and support, the family members are the silent sufferers. Bearing witness to a loved one's substance use issues can be traumatic, chaotic and evoke strong feelings of helplessness. 

Family members often require a certain type of support that understands the complexities of being strongly connected to the addict. They require support that is understanding and compassionate yet holds them accountable to be part of the solution rather than to enable unhealthy dynamics and patterns. 

Do you have a loved one who is actively engaging in harmful substance use?

It can sometimes feel hopeless to intervene on our loved one's harmful behavior, and it can be very challenging to take care of ourselves when we are experiencing one crisis after another. Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts can support you by giving you a safe space to process your experiences being in relationship with someone struggling with addiction and in identifying ways to shift patterns of codependency and unhealthy involvement in the problematic dynamics. By supporting you in exploring your own relational patterns, family of origin and relational trauma histories, our therapists can help you create a healthier and more sustainable life. 

Is your loved one working on changing their relationship with drugs/alcohol, and you are wanting to learn ways to support new and healthier relationship dynamics?

Addiction rarely happens in a vacuum. Despite family members' best attempts to mitigate their loved one's harmful behaviors, there are always ways that the family/relational system inadvertently and unintentionally supports these dysfunctional dynamics. If you are looking for a safe and supportive place to explore your own relationship to your loved one's addiction so as to set the path for a healthier, more sustainable and connected future, Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts may be a good fit for you.

We believe that there are many paths to successful recovery, and we will work with your goals and desires to ensure you can make the life changes you want to make. 

Our clinicians offer virtual Individual Therapy sessions in Colorado, Florida and New York and provide a free 15-minute consultation call prior to scheduling an initial session in order to ensure that we are the right fit for you and your therapeutic goals.

Please reach out today for a free consultation or to schedule your first appointment!